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Archangel Michael's Cave Of Miracles

Posted: 05 Oct 2022, 06:13
by Malachi
On May 8, 490, the Archangel Michael appeared in what is now known as the cave of Monte Sant’Angelo, to report that God had made him the protector of that place.

And in his house, he had consecrated the altar, becoming the only altar in the world not consecrated by human hands.

Throughout history many miracles would occur there and the Church would build the largest sanctuary in the world dedicated to the Archangel Michael.

And it also instituted the Feast of the Archangel Michael on May 8, a celebration that much later was pruned from the Missal, as a consequence of the liturgical reforms carried out by John XXII, subsuming this celebration in that of all the archangels, on September 29, which of course we just celebrated, but which bears further discussion. ➡️ READ FULL ARTICLE HERE

