Amazing Miracles Of St. Margaret Mary
Posted: 17 Oct 2022, 06:16
It is not hasty hyperbole to state that Saint Margaret Mary was given the most awesome vision that can be shown a mere human. In her short life - she lived to be 43 - Jesus revealed to her His Sacred Heart and taught Margaret Mary the ways us ordinary people may adore His Heart. Jesus sent an atom of His Heart into the heart of Margaret Mary, so that the tiniest bit part of the Sacred Vessel of His Blood had a home in her own pulsating heart.
While the sublime revelations Jesus gave Margaret Mary must always take centre stage, we may dwell on the miracles that Margaret Mary worked when she was alive. She lived in the 1600s, and developed a reputation as a miracle worker while she was still living, and now she is a wonderful intercessor in Heaven, which is why we celebrate her on this day designated as her feast.

While the sublime revelations Jesus gave Margaret Mary must always take centre stage, we may dwell on the miracles that Margaret Mary worked when she was alive. She lived in the 1600s, and developed a reputation as a miracle worker while she was still living, and now she is a wonderful intercessor in Heaven, which is why we celebrate her on this day designated as her feast.